IP | Country | PORT | ADDED |
---|---|---|---| | ru | 5678 | 18 minutes ago | | pl | 8080 | 18 minutes ago | | mx | 80 | 18 minutes ago | | kh | 8080 | 18 minutes ago | | ps | 5678 | 18 minutes ago | | pl | 8081 | 18 minutes ago | | tg | 80 | 18 minutes ago | | bg | 4153 | 18 minutes ago | | at | 80 | 18 minutes ago | | by | 80 | 18 minutes ago | | at | 80 | 18 minutes ago | | pl | 8081 | 18 minutes ago | | tn | 80 | 18 minutes ago | | pl | 8081 | 18 minutes ago | | at | 3128 | 18 minutes ago | | ar | 80 | 18 minutes ago | | bd | 8080 | 18 minutes ago | | bd | 5678 | 18 minutes ago | | at | 80 | 18 minutes ago | | tt | 80 | 18 minutes ago |
Simple tool for complete proxy management - purchase, renewal, IP list update, binding change, upload lists. With easy integration into all popular programming languages, PapaProxy API is a great choice for developers looking to optimize their systems.
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Ready to improve your product? Explore our API and start integrating today!
And 500+ more programming tools and languages
To specify the data of a proxy server in the Opera browser, you need to follow the algorithm below:
Open the browser.
Click on the Opera icon in the upper left corner.
Go to "Settings".
Select the "Advanced" option.
Scroll down to the "System" tab.
Click "Open proxy settings for computer".
Click on "Network settings".
Activate the "Use a proxy server" option.
In the tab that opens, specify the IP address of the proxy server. The address must be entered in the field of the protocol to which the proxy server belongs. You can get this information from your proxy provider.
Click "OK" to save your settings.
In Android, you can load and parse XML using the XmlPullParser class provided by Android's org.xmlpull.v1 package. The following example demonstrates how to load and parse XML from a string resource in Android
Assuming you have an XML file (example.xml) in the res/xml directory with the following content:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Now, you can load and parse this XML file in an Android activity:
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;
import java.io.IOException;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Load and parse XML
private void parseXml() {
try {
// Get the XML resource parser
XmlResourceParser parser = getResources().getXml(R.xml.example);
int eventType = parser.getEventType();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
// Check the name of the start tag
if ("item".equals(parser.getName())) {
// Get attributes
String id = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "id");
String text = parser.nextText();
// Process the data (in this example, print it)
Log.d("XML Parsing", "ID: " + id + ", Text: " + text);
eventType = parser.next();
} catch (XmlPullParserException | IOException e) {
In this example:
is used to obtain an XmlResourceParser
for the XML file (example.xml
is used to iterate through the XML content, and when a start tag is encountered (XmlPullParser.START_TAG
), it checks for the tag name ("item" in this case) and retrieves attributes and text content accordingly.Remember to replace R.xml.example
with the actual resource ID for your XML file. This example assumes that the XML file is located in the res/xml
Also, ensure that the XML file is well-formed and follows the XML structure.
Selenium is a powerful tool for automating web browsers, and it has various tools and bindings for different programming languages. If you are specifically interested in Selenium tools for JavaScript, you'll likely be working with the Selenium WebDriver bindings for JavaScript. Here are the key components and tools related to using Selenium with JavaScript
WebDriverJS (Selenium WebDriver for JavaScript)
WebDriverJS, also known as selenium-webdriver for JavaScript, is the official Selenium WebDriver binding for JavaScript. It allows you to write automated tests in JavaScript to control web browsers.
You can install WebDriverJS using npm:
npm install selenium-webdriver
Example code snippet using WebDriverJS
const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require('selenium-webdriver');
(async function example() {
let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
try {
await driver.get('https://www.example.com');
await driver.findElement(By.name('q')).sendKeys('webdriver', Key.RETURN);
await driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);
} finally {
await driver.quit();
Protractor is an end-to-end testing framework specifically designed for Angular applications. It uses WebDriverJS internally and extends it to provide additional features for Angular applications.
Protractor can be installed using npm:
npm install -g protractor
Example Protractor configuration file:
exports.config = {
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
specs: ['example-spec.js']
WebdriverIO is another popular JavaScript framework for end-to-end testing. It is built on top of WebDriverJS and provides a simplified interface for interacting with browsers.
WebdriverIO can be installed using npm:
npm install webdriverio
Example WebdriverIO test script
const { remote } = require('webdriverio');
(async () => {
const browser = await remote({
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome'
await browser.url('https://www.example.com');
const title = await browser.getTitle();
console.log('Title:', title);
await browser.deleteSession();
Nightwatch.js is a testing framework built on top of WebDriverJS that simplifies the process of writing and executing end-to-end tests.
Nightwatch.js can be installed using npm:
npm install nightwatch
Example Nightwatch.js configuration file
module.exports = {
'Demo Test': function (browser) {
.assert.title('Example Domain')
To log into an account using Selenium, you need to locate the login form elements, enter the login credentials, and submit the form. The exact steps may vary depending on the website's structure, but here's a general example using C#:
Install the required NuGet packages:
Install-Package OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.WebDriver -Version 3.141.0
Install-Package OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI -Version 3.141.0
Create a method to log into an account:
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
using System;
public static void LoginToAccount(IWebDriver driver, string username, string password)
// Locate the username field
IWebElement usernameField = driver.FindElement(By.Id("username"));
// Locate the password field
IWebElement passwordField = driver.FindElement(By.Id("password"));
// Locate the login button and click it
IWebElement loginButton = driver.FindElement(By.Id("login-button"));
// Wait for the login process to complete (optional)
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
wait.Until(d => d.FindElement(By.Id("logout-link")));
Use the LoginToAccount method in your test code:
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using System;
namespace SeleniumLoginExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Set up the WebDriver
IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
// Navigate to the login page
// Wait for the login form to load
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
IWebElement loginForm = wait.Until(x => x.Id == "login-form");
// Log in to the account
LoginToAccount(driver, "your_username", "your_password");
// Perform any additional actions as needed
// Close the browser
In this example, we first create a method called LoginToAccount that takes an IWebDriver instance, a username, and a password as input. Inside the method, we locate the username field, password field, and login button using their respective IDs, and then enter the credentials and click the login button.
In the test code, we set up the WebDriver, navigate to the login page, and wait for the login form to load. Then, we call the LoginToAccount method with the required credentials. After logging in, you can perform any additional actions as needed.
Remember to replace "https://www.example.com/login", "your_username", and "your_password" with the actual login page URL and your credentials.
It means organizing a connection through several VPN-servers at once. It is used to protect confidential data as much as possible or to hide one's real IP address. This principle of connection is used, for example, in the TOR-browser. That is, when all traffic is sent immediately through a chain of proxy servers.
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