IP | Country | PORT | ADDED |
---|---|---|---| | us | 4145 | 17 minutes ago | | za | 8080 | 17 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 17 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 17 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 17 minutes ago | | de | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | at | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | by | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | at | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | kr | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | tn | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | gr | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | ae | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 17 minutes ago | | za | 8080 | 17 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 17 minutes ago | | at | 80 | 17 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 17 minutes ago |
Simple tool for complete proxy management - purchase, renewal, IP list update, binding change, upload lists. With easy integration into all popular programming languages, PapaProxy API is a great choice for developers looking to optimize their systems.
Quick and easy integration.
Full control and management of proxies via API.
Extensive documentation for a quick start.
Compatible with any programming language that supports HTTP requests.
Ready to improve your product? Explore our API and start integrating today!
And 500+ more programming tools and languages
Although free proxies are popular, they are far from being flawless in their work. Many of their IP addresses are blacklisted by popular resources, and the data transfer speed and stability are very unreliable. When choosing a proxy, keep in mind that the new version of IPv6 is not supported by most websites. Note also that proxies are divided into private and public, statistical and dynamic, and support different network protocols.
It means a proxy server for devices that connect to the router via WiFi. It is also a remote server to let traffic through. For example, a user sends a request to Netflix from his smartphone through a proxy that is hosted in the UK. Netflix servers will "recognize" such a user as being from the UK (regardless of his actual location).
In Swift, you can use the Codable protocol to parse JSON data into Swift objects. Here's a basic example:
Assuming you have the following JSON data:
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30,
"city": "New York"
And you want to create a Swift struct to represent this data:
import Foundation
// Define a struct conforming to Codable
struct Person: Codable {
let name: String
let age: Int
let city: String
// JSON data
let jsonData = """
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30,
"city": "New York"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
// Use JSONDecoder to decode JSON data into a Person object
do {
let person = try JSONDecoder().decode(Person.self, from: jsonData)
print("Name: \(person.name)")
print("Age: \(person.age)")
print("City: \(person.city)")
} catch {
print("Error decoding JSON: \(error)")
In this example:
struct that conforms to the Codable
protocol. The struct's properties match the keys in the JSON data.Data
using data(using:)
to decode the JSON data into an instance of the Person
struct.Ensure that the keys in your Swift struct match the keys in your JSON data, and the data types match accordingly. The JSONDecoder
automatically maps the JSON data to the struct based on the property names.
This example assumes a simple JSON structure. If your JSON structure is more complex, you may need to define additional structs conforming to Codable
to represent nested structures.
Note: If your JSON data comes from a URL, you can also use URLSession
to fetch the data.
It seems there might be a confusion in your request. Polly is a resilience and transient-fault-handling library in C# for dealing with issues like network failures, timeouts, and other transient errors. It is not directly related to parsing courses or web scraping.
If you are looking to parse a course from a website using C#, you might want to use a combination of HTTP requests and HTML parsing libraries. Here's a basic example using the HtmlAgilityPack library for HTML parsing and HttpClient for making HTTP requests
Install HtmlAgilityPack:
You can install the HtmlAgilityPack library using NuGet Package Manager Console:
Install-Package HtmlAgilityPack
Example Code
Here's a simple example of how you might use HttpClient and HtmlAgilityPack to parse course information from a website:
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
class Program
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args)
// URL of the course page
string courseUrl = "https://example.com/courses";
// Make an HTTP request to get the HTML content
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
string htmlContent = await client.GetStringAsync(courseUrl);
// Use HtmlAgilityPack to parse the HTML
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
// Extract course information (modify as per the HTML structure)
HtmlNodeCollection courseNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='course']");
if (courseNodes != null)
foreach (HtmlNode courseNode in courseNodes)
string courseTitle = courseNode.SelectSingleNode(".//h2")?.InnerText.Trim();
string courseDescription = courseNode.SelectSingleNode(".//p")?.InnerText.Trim();
Console.WriteLine($"Title: {courseTitle}");
Console.WriteLine($"Description: {courseDescription}");
Console.WriteLine("No course information found on the page.");
This is a basic example, and you'll need to adapt it based on the actual HTML structure of the course page you are working with.
Updating CoreML models in an iOS app typically involves fetching a new model file, parsing it, and then updating the CoreML model with the new version. JSON parsing can be used to extract necessary information from the fetched JSON file. Below is a step-by-step guide using Swift:
Fetch and Parse JSON
Fetch a JSON file containing information about the updated CoreML model, including its download URL, version, etc.
import Foundation
// Replace with the URL of your JSON file
let jsonURLString = "https://example.com/model_info.json"
if let url = URL(string: jsonURLString),
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url),
let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] {
// Extract information from the JSON
if let newModelURLString = json["new_model_url"] as? String,
let newModelVersion = json["new_model_version"] as? String {
// Continue with the next steps
updateCoreMLModel(with: newModelURLString, version: newModelVersion)
Download and Save New Model:
Download the new CoreML model file from the provided URL and save it locally.
func updateCoreMLModel(with modelURLString: String, version: String) {
guard let modelURL = URL(string: modelURLString),
let modelData = try? Data(contentsOf: modelURL) else {
print("Failed to download the new model.")
// Save the new model to a local file
let documentsDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let newModelURL = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent("newModel.mlmodel")
do {
try modelData.write(to: newModelURL)
print("New model downloaded and saved.")
updateCoreMLModelWithNewVersion(newModelURL, version: version)
} catch {
print("Error saving new model: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Update CoreML Model:
Load the new CoreML model and update the app's model.
import CoreML
func updateCoreMLModelWithNewVersion(_ modelURL: URL, version: String) {
do {
// Load the new CoreML model
let newModel = try MLModel(contentsOf: modelURL)
// Replace the existing CoreML model with the new version
// Assuming your model has a custom CoreMLModelManager class
CoreMLModelManager.shared.updateModel(newModel, version: version)
print("CoreML model updated to version \(version).")
} catch {
print("Error loading new CoreML model: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Handle Model Updates in App:
Depending on your app's architecture, you might want to handle the model update in a dedicated manager or service. Ensure that you handle the update gracefully and consider user experience during the update process.
Make sure to replace placeholder URLs and customize the code according to your actual implementation. Additionally, handle errors appropriately and test thoroughly to ensure a smooth update process.
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