Proxy Necklace Marble Hornets

PapaProxy - premium datacenter proxies with the fastest speed. Fully unlimited traffic. Big Papa packages from 100 to 15,000 IP
  • Some of the lowest prices on the market, no hidden fees;
  • Guaranteed refund within 24 hours after payment.
  • All IPv4 proxies with HTTPS and SOCKS5 support;
  • Upgrade IP in a package without extra charges;
  • Fully unlimited traffic included in the price;
  • No KYC for all customers at any stage;
  • Several subnets in each package;
  • Impressive connection speed;
  • And many other benefits :)
Select your tariff
Price for 1 IP-address: 0$
We have over 100,000 addresses on the IPv4 network. All packets need to be bound to the IP address of the equipment you are going to work with. Proxy servers can be used with or without login/password authentication. Just elite and highly private proxies.
Types of proxies

Types of proxies

Datacenter proxies

Starting from $19 / month
Select tariff
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • SOCKS5 Supported
  • Over 100,000 IPv4 proxies
  • Packages from 100 proxies
  • Good discount for wholesale
Learn More

Private proxies

Starting from $2,5 / month
Select tariff
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • SOCKS5 Supported
  • Proxies just for you
  • Speed up to 200 Mbps
  • For sale from 1 pc.
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Rotating proxies

Starting from $49 / month
Select tariff
  • Each request is a new IP
  • SOCKS5 Supported
  • Automatic rotation
  • Ideal for API work
  • All proxies available now
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UDP proxies

Starting from $19 / month
Select tariff
  • Unlimited traffic
  • SOCKS5 supported
  • PremiumFraud Shield
  • For games and broadcasts
  • Speed up to 200 Mbps
Learn More

Try our proxies for free

Register an account and get a proxy for the test. You do not need to fill payment data. Support most of popular tasks: search engines, marketplaces, bulletin boards, online services, etc. tasks
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Available regions

Available regions

Proxy Necklace Marble Hornets suggests a themed piece of merchandise or a fan-made item inspired by Marble Hornets, a popular web series known for its connection to the Slender Man mythos. The term proxy in this context likely refers to individuals under the influence or control of the Slender Man. A Proxy Necklace could symbolize allegiance or connection to the series' lore, supporting fans' engagement and affinity with the story and its characters.

  • IP updates in the package at no extra charge;

  • Unlimited traffic included in the price;

  • Automatic delivery of addresses after payment;

  • All proxies are IPv4 with HTTPS and SOCKS5 support;

  • Impressive connection speed;

  • Some of the cheapest cost on the market, with no hidden fees;

  • If the IP addresses don't suit you - money back within 24 hours;

  • And many more perks :)

You can buy proxies at cheap pricing and pay by any comfortable method:

  • VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay

  • Tether (TRC20, ERC20)

  • Bitcoin

  • Ethereum

  • AliPay

  • WebMoney WMZ

  • Perfect Money

You can use both HTTPS and SOCKS5 protocols at the same time. Proxies with and without authorization are available in the personal cabinet.


Port 8080 for HTTP and HTTPS proxies with authorization.

Port 1080 for SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5 proxies with authorization.

Port 8085 for HTTP and HTTPS proxies without authorization.

Port 1085 for SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy without authorization.


We also have a proxy list builder available - you can upload data in any convenient format. For professional users there is an extended API for your tasks.

Free proxy list

Free proxy list

Note - these are not our test proxies. Publicly available free lists, collected from open sources, to test your software. You can request a test of our proxies here
IP Country PORT ADDED ru 4145 55 minutes ago rs 10801 55 minutes ago co 47377 55 minutes ago ca 16623 55 minutes ago ca 12279 55 minutes ago iq 5678 55 minutes ago rs 56921 55 minutes ago ca 25175 55 minutes ago us 54321 55 minutes ago es 4153 55 minutes ago ca 18039 55 minutes ago ca 11435 55 minutes ago ca 23261 55 minutes ago us 4145 55 minutes ago tw 80 55 minutes ago ca 26535 55 minutes ago ca 13797 55 minutes ago ca 1061 55 minutes ago us 53096 55 minutes ago cy 4153 55 minutes ago


I confidently recommend this service for purchasing proxies. I am satisfied with the quality of proxies compared to other services with similar price. The right geographical locations are always available here, although sometimes you need to be able to pick them up before they are sold out. I use a few addresses for smm promotion and they do well.

I buy individual proxies in bulk from these guys. For the price it is the best offer at the moment. Reliability is also fine. The speed is on top, although sometimes there are small glitches - this is a common phenomenon for any proxy service. The main thing is that technical support responds promptly and restores work quickly.
Andrew Weir

For me, the key aspect is the stability of the proxy, and in this case it is top-notch. This is a rare combination of affordable price and quality product.
Richard Peak

For me, as a social network user, choosing a proxy is a serious moment. This service pleased me with responsive tech support, stability, and, of course, high proxy speed. A big plus for discounts for regular customers!

I have taken it more than once, because there is really something to praise. This is a large range, adequate price, good speed, and stable proxies.
Ben Scott

I use it for arbitrage and haven't had any problems. The proxies integrate well with Indigo. Keep a few proxies for the team and everything works great. Recommend.
Darrin J Daniels

I am grateful for the proxy service. It has become an integral part of my social media promotion strategies. Stable proxy operation, high data transfer speed, adequate prices and regular discounts for regular clients - that's all I need for successful promotion.

Fast integration with API

Fast integration with API

Simple tool for complete proxy management - purchase, renewal, IP list update, binding change, upload lists. With easy integration into all popular programming languages, PapaProxy API is a great choice for developers looking to optimize their systems.

Quick and easy integration.
Full control and management of proxies via API.
Extensive documentation for a quick start.
Compatible with any programming language that supports HTTP requests.

Ready to improve your product? Explore our API and start integrating today!


And 500+ more programming tools and languages



How do I check if a proxy is compromised? Close

There are special tools developed to check if a proxy is working. There are a large number of appropriate services and programs on the Internet. Any software that works in a general way should be excluded from their number. To use online checkers to check the quality and validity of a proxy, just specify your IP address and port number in the fields provided.

How are dynamic ports assigned in UDP protocol? Close

In the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), dynamic ports are assigned using a process called ephemeral port allocation. UDP is a connectionless protocol, which means that it does not establish a dedicated connection between the sender and receiver, as the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) does. Instead, UDP sends data packets directly to the destination, and the receiver is responsible for acknowledging receipt or requesting retransmission if needed.

In UDP, both the sender and receiver have a pair of ports: one for the source and one for the destination. The source port is assigned by the sender, while the destination port is assigned by the receiver. When a connection is established, the sender assigns an ephemeral port to itself and sends the data to the destination port specified by the receiver.

The assignment of dynamic ports in UDP is typically managed by the operating system. The process generally follows these steps:

1. Ephemeral port allocation: The operating system maintains a pool of available ephemeral ports, which are typically in the range of 49152 to 65535. When a UDP connection is initiated, the operating system assigns an available ephemeral port from this range to the sender.

2. Port reuse: Once a UDP connection is closed, the ephemeral port is returned to the pool of available ports. This allows the port to be reused for subsequent connections, ensuring efficient use of the limited range of high-numbered ports.

3. Port randomization: Some operating systems implement port randomization to prevent certain types of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. In this case, the operating system may assign an ephemeral port that is slightly higher than the requested port, adding a small random offset to the port number.

4. Destination port assignment: The destination port is assigned by the receiver and is typically determined by the application or service that the receiver is running. The destination port can be a well-known port (below 1024) or a registered port (1024-49151), or it can be a dynamic or private port (49152-65535).

In summary, dynamic ports in UDP are assigned using a combination of ephemeral port allocation and destination port assignment. The process is managed by the operating system and is designed to ensure efficient and secure communication between devices.

What is a Shared proxy? Close

It means a private proxy server used by several users. For example, one of them has bought a paid proxy and lets his friend use it for a fee. That is, he "shared" his proxy (shared means "common").

How do I change the proxy server on my computer? Close

Before you change your proxy server, you should decide what kind of proxy you would like to install. There are a lot of choices, depending on your needs. Every buyer, when buying a proxy server, is given all the necessary information with the data for access - username and password, port, IP address. Without these data, you can't install and configure the proxy.

How do I set up a proxy in anydesk? Close

Go to settings, find the "Security" menu and click on "Unblock security settings". You will be prompted to agree to the changes, which you will need to confirm by clicking "Yes", which will unlock the "Allow unsupervised access" item. Now click on the text or checkbox to activate the function. On the computer from which you plan to connect remotely, you will need to enter the ID of the first computer and click on "Connect".

Our statistics

>12 000

packages were sold in a few years

8 000 Tb

traffic spended by our clients per month.

6 out of 10

Number of clients that increase their tariff after the first month of usage

HTTP / HTTPS / Socks 4 / Socks 5

All popular proxy protocols that work with absolutely any software and device are available
With us you will receive

With us you will receive

  • Many payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay, WMZ, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDT TRC20, AliPay, etc;
  • No-questions-asked refunds within the first 24 hours of payment;
  • Personalized prices via customer support;
  • High proxy speed and no traffic restrictions;
  • Complete privacy on SOCKS protocols;
  • Automatic payment, issuance and renewal of proxies;
  • Only live support, no chatbots.
  • Personal manager for purchases of $500 or more.

    What else…

  • Discounts for regular customers;
  • Discounts for large proxy volume;
  • Package of documents for legal entities;
  • Stability, speed, convenience;
  • Binding a proxy only to your IP address;
  • Comfortable control panel and downloading of proxy lists.
  • Advanced API.