IP | Country | PORT | ADDED |
---|---|---|---| | cn | 30001 | 53 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 53 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 53 minutes ago | | ru | 8080 | 53 minutes ago | | kh | 8080 | 53 minutes ago | | ca | 14921 | 53 minutes ago | | cn | 81 | 53 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 53 minutes ago | | by | 80 | 53 minutes ago | | pl | 8081 | 53 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 53 minutes ago | | ru | 1080 | 53 minutes ago | | fi | 43260 | 53 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 53 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 53 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 53 minutes ago | | ru | 3128 | 53 minutes ago | | cn | 9002 | 53 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 53 minutes ago | | kh | 8080 | 53 minutes ago |
Simple tool for complete proxy management - purchase, renewal, IP list update, binding change, upload lists. With easy integration into all popular programming languages, PapaProxy API is a great choice for developers looking to optimize their systems.
Quick and easy integration.
Full control and management of proxies via API.
Extensive documentation for a quick start.
Compatible with any programming language that supports HTTP requests.
Ready to improve your product? Explore our API and start integrating today!
And 500+ more programming tools and languages
You can check it with the ping command from the command line in Windows. It is enough to enter it, with a space - the data of the proxy server (including the number of the port used) and press Enter. The reply message will tell you whether or not you have received a reply from the remote server. If not, the proxy is unavailable, respectively.
Web scraping to collect email addresses from web pages raises ethical and legal considerations. It's important to respect privacy and adhere to the terms of service of the websites you are scraping. Additionally, harvesting email addresses for unsolicited communication may violate anti-spam regulations.
If you have a legitimate use case, here's a basic example in Python using the requests library and regular expressions to extract email addresses. Note that this is a simplistic example and may not cover all email address variations:
import re
import requests
def extract_emails_from_text(text):
email_pattern = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b'
return re.findall(email_pattern, text)
def scrape_emails_from_url(url):
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
page_content = response.text
emails = extract_emails_from_text(page_content)
return emails
print(f"Failed to fetch content from {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}")
return []
# Example usage
url_to_scrape = 'https://example.com'
emails_found = scrape_emails_from_url(url_to_scrape)
if emails_found:
print("Email addresses found:")
for email in emails_found:
print("No email addresses found.")
Keep in mind the following:
Ethics and Legality:
file to understand if scraping is allowed or restricted.Consent:
Anti-Spam Regulations:
Variability of Email Formats:
Use of APIs:
To organize multi-threaded scraping through a proxy in C#, you can use the HttpClient class along with tasks and threads. Additionally, you may use proxy rotation to avoid rate limiting and bans. Here's a basic example to get you started:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static async Task Main()
// List of proxy URLs
List proxyList = new List
// Add more proxies as needed
// Create HttpClient instances with a different proxy for each thread
List httpClients = CreateHttpClients(proxyList);
// List of URLs to scrape
List urlsToScrape = new List
// Add more URLs as needed
// Create tasks for each URL
List tasks = new List();
foreach (string url in urlsToScrape)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => ScrapeUrl(url, httpClients)));
// Wait for all tasks to complete
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
// Dispose of HttpClient instances
foreach (HttpClient client in httpClients)
static List CreateHttpClients(List proxies)
List clients = new List();
foreach (string proxy in proxies)
var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler
Proxy = new WebProxy(proxy),
UseProxy = true,
clients.Add(new HttpClient(httpClientHandler));
return clients;
static async Task ScrapeUrl(string url, List httpClients)
// Select a random proxy for this request
var random = new Random();
var httpClient = httpClients[random.Next(httpClients.Count)];
// Make the request using the selected proxy
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url);
// Check if the request was successful
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Process the content as needed
Console.WriteLine($"Scraped {url}: {content.Length} characters");
Console.WriteLine($"Failed to scrape {url}. Status code: {response.StatusCode}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error scraping {url}: {ex.Message}");
In this example:
The CreateHttpClients function creates a list of HttpClient instances, each configured with a different proxy from the provided list.
The ScrapeUrl function performs the actual scraping for a given URL using a randomly selected proxy.
The Main method creates tasks for each URL to be scraped and waits for all tasks to complete.
To log into your Google account using Selenium, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Install Selenium WebDriver for your preferred browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
2. Import the necessary modules in your script.
3. Create a WebDriver instance for the browser.
4. Navigate to the Google login page (https://accounts.google.com/).
5. Locate the email and password input fields and the login button.
6. Enter your email and password into the input fields.
7. Click the login button.
Here's an example Python script using Selenium with Chrome WebDriver:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
# Set up the Chrome WebDriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# Navigate to the Google login page
# Explicit wait for the email input field to be present
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
email_input = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.NAME, "identifier")))
# Enter your email address into the email input field
email_input.send_keys("[email protected]")
# Explicit wait for the password input field to be present
password_input = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.NAME, "password")))
# Enter your password into the password input field
# Your Google account should now be logged in
Replace [email protected] and your_password with your actual Google account email and password. Note that storing passwords in plaintext within your script is not secure. Consider using environment variables or other secure methods to store sensitive information.
Keep in mind that Google may have CAPTCHA or other security measures in place to prevent automated logins. If you encounter such measures, you may need to use additional techniques or services to bypass them.
Open the browser settings and go to the "Advanced" section. Click on "System" and then, in the window that opens, click on "Open proxy settings for computer". A window will appear in front of you, showing all the current settings. Another way to find out the http proxy is to download and install the SocialKit Proxy Checker utility on your computer.
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