IP | Country | PORT | ADDED |
---|---|---|---| | us | 36607 | 40 minutes ago | | us | 40001 | 40 minutes ago | | vn | 8080 | 40 minutes ago | | gb | 22548 | 40 minutes ago | | bd | 8080 | 40 minutes ago | | us | 18030 | 40 minutes ago | | gb | 10631 | 40 minutes ago | | fr | 15816 | 40 minutes ago | | es | 53817 | 40 minutes ago | | cn | 1080 | 40 minutes ago | | hk | 49440 | 40 minutes ago | | bd | 5678 | 40 minutes ago | | rs | 5678 | 40 minutes ago | | ru | 1080 | 40 minutes ago | | za | 8080 | 40 minutes ago | | de | 1080 | 40 minutes ago | | sg | 80 | 40 minutes ago | | cn | 81 | 40 minutes ago | | kr | 41012 | 40 minutes ago | | kh | 8080 | 40 minutes ago |
Simple tool for complete proxy management - purchase, renewal, IP list update, binding change, upload lists. With easy integration into all popular programming languages, PapaProxy API is a great choice for developers looking to optimize their systems.
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Building a chain of proxies in Selenium involves configuring a WebDriver with a Proxy object that represents a chain of proxies. Here's an example using Python with Selenium and the Chrome WebDriver:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import Proxy, ProxyType
# Create a Proxy object for the first proxy in the chain
proxy1 = Proxy()
proxy1.http_proxy = "http://proxy1.example.com:8080"
proxy1.ssl_proxy = "http://proxy1.example.com:8080"
proxy1.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL
# Create a Proxy object for the second proxy in the chain
proxy2 = Proxy()
proxy2.http_proxy = "http://proxy2.example.com:8080"
proxy2.ssl_proxy = "http://proxy2.example.com:8080"
proxy2.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL
# Create a Proxy object for the final proxy in the chain
proxy3 = Proxy()
proxy3.http_proxy = "http://proxy3.example.com:8080"
proxy3.ssl_proxy = "http://proxy3.example.com:8080"
proxy3.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL
# Create a chain of proxies
proxies_chain = f"{proxy1.proxy, proxy2.proxy, proxy3.proxy}"
# Set up ChromeOptions with the proxy chain
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
# Create the WebDriver with ChromeOptions
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)
# Now you can use the driver with the proxy chain for your automation tasks
# Close the browser window when done
In this example:
Three Proxy objects (proxy1, proxy2, and proxy3) are created, each representing a different proxy in the chain. You need to replace the placeholder URLs (http://proxy1.example.com:8080, etc.) with the actual proxy server URLs.
The ProxyType.MANUAL option is used to indicate that the proxy settings are configured manually.
The proxies_chain variable is a comma-separated string representing the chain of proxies.
The --proxy-server option is added to ChromeOptions to specify the proxy chain.
A Chrome WebDriver instance is created with the configured ChromeOptions.
Using Selenium in Android involves setting up an Android environment, choosing a suitable WebDriver, and writing scripts to automate actions on Android devices. Here are the general steps to get started:
Set Up an Android Environment:
Install Appropriate WebDriver:
For Appium, you can install it using Node.js and npm:
npm install -g appium
Make sure to refer to the documentation of the WebDriver you choose for detailed installation instructions.
Start Appium Server:
Write Selenium Scripts:
import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import java.net.URL;
public class AndroidExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
caps.setCapability("deviceName", "your_device_name");
caps.setCapability("platformName", "Android");
caps.setCapability("appPackage", "com.example.app");
caps.setCapability("appActivity", ".MainActivity");
URL url = new URL("");
AndroidDriver driver = new AndroidDriver<>(url, caps);
// Your Selenium script...
Adjust the capabilities, device name, app package, and app activity based on your application.
Run Selenium Scripts:
Remember to refer to the documentation of the chosen WebDriver (UiAutomator2, Appium, etc.) and the Selenium client library for your programming language for more detailed instructions and features specific to Android automation.
To log into your Google account using Selenium, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Install Selenium WebDriver for your preferred browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
2. Import the necessary modules in your script.
3. Create a WebDriver instance for the browser.
4. Navigate to the Google login page (https://accounts.google.com/).
5. Locate the email and password input fields and the login button.
6. Enter your email and password into the input fields.
7. Click the login button.
Here's an example Python script using Selenium with Chrome WebDriver:
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
# Set up the Chrome WebDriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# Navigate to the Google login page
# Explicit wait for the email input field to be present
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
email_input = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.NAME, "identifier")))
# Enter your email address into the email input field
email_input.send_keys("[email protected]")
# Explicit wait for the password input field to be present
password_input = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.NAME, "password")))
# Enter your password into the password input field
# Your Google account should now be logged in
Replace [email protected] and your_password with your actual Google account email and password. Note that storing passwords in plaintext within your script is not secure. Consider using environment variables or other secure methods to store sensitive information.
Keep in mind that Google may have CAPTCHA or other security measures in place to prevent automated logins. If you encounter such measures, you may need to use additional techniques or services to bypass them.
In the "System Settings" section, open the "Network" tab, and then, when you highlight the active connection, click "Advanced". Here, in the "Proxies" tab, tick only the HTTP proxy if you do not intend to use other types of proxies temporarily. Enter the address of your proxy server and its port in the designated fields and click "OK".
Go to the settings (the icon in the form of three dots) and open the section "Settings". In the tab at the very bottom, click on "Advanced settings". Click on "Open proxy settings for computer" and in the window that appears, click on "Network settings". Find the line "Automatic detection of parameters", uncheck it, and then, in the section "Proxy", activate the option "Use a proxy server". Enter the proxy host and port in the appropriate fields, and then click "Apply".
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