IP | Country | PORT | ADDED |
---|---|---|---| | us | 4145 | 34 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 34 minutes ago | | mx | 80 | 34 minutes ago | | gr | 80 | 34 minutes ago | | ir | 3128 | 34 minutes ago | | at | 80 | 34 minutes ago | | cn | 9501 | 34 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 34 minutes ago | | de | 4145 | 34 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 34 minutes ago | | cn | 8083 | 34 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 34 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 34 minutes ago | | us | 26829 | 34 minutes ago | | pl | 8081 | 34 minutes ago | | cn | 1080 | 34 minutes ago | | ae | 80 | 34 minutes ago | | 80 | 34 minutes ago | | | us | 27071 | 34 minutes ago | | us | 4145 | 34 minutes ago |
Simple tool for complete proxy management - purchase, renewal, IP list update, binding change, upload lists. With easy integration into all popular programming languages, PapaProxy API is a great choice for developers looking to optimize their systems.
Quick and easy integration.
Full control and management of proxies via API.
Extensive documentation for a quick start.
Compatible with any programming language that supports HTTP requests.
Ready to improve your product? Explore our API and start integrating today!
And 500+ more programming tools and languages
There are three types of proxies that work using three types of protocols. The weakest one is HTTP. It is long outdated and unsuitable for visiting web resources. HTTPS works through a secure protocol and is most often used for web surfing. SOCKS5 proxies are capable of working with the largest number of programs and protocols. They are also beneficial because they keep your IP address anonymous in the request header.
When parsing RSS feeds and avoiding duplicates, you typically need to maintain a record of previously parsed items and compare new items to this record to ensure that you don't process the same item multiple times. Below is an example using Node.js and the rss-parser library, which simplifies working with RSS feeds.
Install Dependencies
Install the required npm package:
npm install rss-parser
Write the Parsing Script
Create a Node.js script (e.g., parse_rss.js) with the following code:
const Parser = require('rss-parser');
const fs = require('fs');
const parser = new Parser();
const rssFeedUrl = 'https://example.com/rss-feed'; // Replace with the URL of the RSS feed
// Function to load and parse the previously processed items
function loadProcessedItems() {
try {
const data = fs.readFileSync('processedItems.json');
return JSON.parse(data);
} catch (error) {
return [];
// Function to save the processed items to a file
function saveProcessedItems(processedItems) {
fs.writeFileSync('processedItems.json', JSON.stringify(processedItems, null, 2));
async function parseRSS() {
const processedItems = loadProcessedItems();
const feed = await parser.parseURL(rssFeedUrl);
for (const item of feed.items) {
// Check if the item has been processed before
if (!processedItems.includes(item.link)) {
// Process the new item (replace with your processing logic)
console.log('New item found:', item.title);
// Add the item link to the list of processed items
// Save the updated list of processed items
// Run the RSS parsing process
Replace 'https://example.com/rss-feed' with the URL of the RSS feed you want to parse.
Run the Script
Run the script using Node.js:
node parse_rss.js
This script uses the rss-parser library to fetch and parse an RSS feed. It maintains a list of processed item links in a JSON file (processedItems.json). Each time the script runs, it loads the processed items, compares them to the new items in the feed, processes only the new items, and then updates the list of processed items.
CefSharp is a .NET wrapper for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) that allows you to embed a Chromium browser in your .NET applications. While CefSharp doesn't have a direct replacement for Selenium functions, you can use its own methods to interact with the browser and perform similar actions.
To find elements using XPath in CefSharp, you can use the GetElementById(), GetElementsByClassName(), GetElementsByTagName(), and GetElementsByAttribute() methods provided by the CEFBrowser and CefV8Handler classes.
Here's an example of how you can find elements using XPath in CefSharp:
First, install the CefSharp NuGet package in your project:
Install-Package CefSharp.Minimal
Use the following code to create a CefSharp browser and load a webpage:
using CefSharp.WinForms;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CefSharpExample
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
CefSettings settings = new CefSettings();
settings.BrowserSubprocessPath = "path/to/cef/browser_win32_x64.exe";
using (Form mainForm = new Form())
ChromiumWebBrowser browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser("https://www.example.com");
// Wait for the browser to initialize
// Load the JavaScript needed to interact with the browser
browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("document.body.style.behavior = 'url(#default#homepage)'; document.body.style.expression = 'ieUseLinkHover=true';");
// Wait for the page to load
// Add event handlers for navigation, loading, and error events
browser.LoadingStateChanged += (sender, args) => { };
browser.NavigationStateChanged += (sender, args) => { };
browser.ErrorOccurred += (sender, args) => { };
// Perform actions on the webpage using the browser object
// ...
// Close the browser when done
To find elements using XPath, you can use the CefV8Handler class to execute JavaScript code that locates elements based on the XPath expression. Here's an example of how to find elements using XPath:
using System;
using CefSharp.WinForms;
namespace CefSharpXPathExample
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
CefSettings settings = new CefSettings();
settings.BrowserSubprocessPath = "path/to/cef/browser_win32_x64.exe";
using (Form mainForm = new Form())
ChromiumWebBrowser browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser("https://www.example.com");
// Wait for the browser to initialize
// Load the JavaScript needed to interact with the browser
browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("document.body.style.behavior = 'url(#default#homepage)'; document.body.style.expression = 'ieUseLinkHover=true';");
// Wait for the page to load
// Execute JavaScript code to find elements using XPath
browser.ExecuteScriptAsync("var xpath = arguments[0];" +
"var result = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);" +
"return result.singleNodeValue;", "//*[@id='element-id']");
// Perform actions on the webpage using the browser object
// ...
// Close the browser when done
In this example, we use the ExecuteScriptAsync() method to execute JavaScript code that finds elements using the provided XPath expression. The JavaScript code uses the document.evaluate() method to find the first matched node based on the provided XPath expression.
Keep in mind that the CefSharp library is actively maintained and provides a wide range of features for interacting with the browser. You can find more information and examples in the CefSharp GitHub repository.
There are special online services that use IP and HTTP connection tags to determine if a proxy is being used from your equipment. The most popular are Proxy Checker, Socproxy.
To check if your computer uses a proxy-server, you just need to use any browser (Yandex Browser, Opera, Google Chrome). Then you need to follow the algorithm:
Start your browser.
Go to "Settings".
In the search box enter the query "proxy".
Click on "Proxy settings".
In the tab that opens, select "Network settings".
This will open a tab with the IP address and port of the proxy server, if it is used. If the function is disabled, the line will be empty, and the option itself is disabled.
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