IP | Country | PORT | ADDED |
---|---|---|---| | sk | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | au | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | jp | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | tg | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | kr | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | tw | 4145 | 11 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | tw | 4145 | 11 minutes ago | | sg | 8080 | 11 minutes ago | | tn | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | lv | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | kh | 8080 | 11 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | jp | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | pl | 8081 | 11 minutes ago | | us | 80 | 11 minutes ago | | tw | 4145 | 11 minutes ago |
Simple tool for complete proxy management - purchase, renewal, IP list update, binding change, upload lists. With easy integration into all popular programming languages, PapaProxy API is a great choice for developers looking to optimize their systems.
Quick and easy integration.
Full control and management of proxies via API.
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You cannot use a proxy server in Outlook (for security reasons). Therefore, it is possible to organize a local proxy with traffic forwarding through the port. Or you can use third-party tools such as ProxyCap.
To send a UDP request to a STUN server in C++, you can use the following example code. This example uses the boost::asio library for handling asynchronous I/O operations and boost::beast for handling UDP communication. Make sure you have the Boost library installed on your system before running this code.
namespace http = boost::beast::http;
using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using udp = boost::asio::ip::udp;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 3) {
std::cerr << "Usage: stun_udp_request " << std::endl;
boost::asio::io_context ioc;
udp::resolver resolver(ioc);
udp::resolver::results_type results = resolver.resolve(argv[1], argv[2]);
if (results.empty()) {
std::cerr << "Cannot resolve: " << argv[1] << ":" << argv[2] << std::endl;
udp::socket udp_socket(ioc);
// Prepare the STUN Binding Request
std::string stun_request =
"USER-AGENT: STUN-UDP-Example\r\n"
// Send the STUN Binding Request
boost::system::error_code ignored_error;
udp_socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(stun_request), results.begin()->endpoint(), 0, ignored_error);
// Receive the STUN Binding Response
boost::beast::flat_buffer buffer;
http::response response;
udp_socket.receive_message(buffer, response);
// Print the STUN Binding Response
std::cout << "STUN Binding Response:\n";
std::cout << response.what() << std::endl;
To compile the example, you can use the following command:
g++ -std=c++17 -o stun_udp_request stun_udp_request.cpp -lboost_system -lboost_as
If your Java UDP server does not accept more than one packet, there might be an issue with the way you are handling incoming packets or with the network configuration. To troubleshoot and resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:
1. Check your server code to ensure that it is correctly handling incoming packets. Make sure you are not accidentally discarding or overwriting packets.
2. Verify that there are no firewalls or network configurations blocking the UDP packets. UDP is a connectionless protocol, and packets may be dropped by firewalls or routers if they are not allowed.
3. Ensure that the client is sending packets correctly. Check if the client is using the correct IP address and port number for the server, and that it is not sending packets too quickly, causing them to be dropped or lost.
4. Increase the buffer size of the UDP socket in your server code. By default, the buffer size is often too small to handle multiple packets efficiently. You can increase the buffer size by using the setSoTimeout() method on the DatagramSocket object. For example:
DatagramSocket serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(port);
serverSocket.setSoTimeout(timeout); // Set a timeout value in milliseconds
5. Implement a multithreaded or asynchronous server to handle multiple incoming packets simultaneously. This will allow your server to accept and process multiple packets at the same time. Here's an example of a multithreaded UDP server in Java:
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
public class MultithreadedUDPServer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
int port = 12345;
DatagramSocket serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(port);
while (true) {
byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[1024];
DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveBuffer, receiveBuffer.length);
handlePacket(receivePacket, serverSocket);
private static void handlePacket(DatagramPacket receivePacket, DatagramSocket serverSocket) throws IOException {
byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[1024];
InetAddress clientAddress = receivePacket.getAddress();
int clientPort = receivePacket.getPort();
int packetLength = receivePacket.getLength();
System.arraycopy(receiveBuffer, 0, sendBuffer, 0, packetLength);
DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(sendBuffer, packetLength, clientAddress, clientPort);
By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with your Java UDP server not accepting more than one packet.
To emulate mouse wheel scrolling and keystrokes in Selenium WebDriver with Node.js, you can use the Actions class to perform these actions. Here's an example that demonstrates scrolling and sending keystrokes:
const { Builder, By, Key } = require('selenium-webdriver');
(async function example() {
// Create a new instance of the WebDriver
const driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
try {
// Navigate to a webpage
await driver.get('https://example.com');
// Perform mouse wheel scrolling
await driver.actions().move({ x: 0, y: 0 }).sendKeys(Key.PAGE_DOWN).perform();
await driver.sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second to see the effect
// Perform keystrokes in an input field
const inputField = await driver.findElement(By.css('input[type="text"]'));
await inputField.sendKeys('Hello, this is some text.');
await driver.sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second to see the effect
} finally {
// Close the browser window
await driver.quit();
- driver.actions() creates an instance of the Actions class.
- move({ x: 0, y: 0 }) is used to position the mouse at coordinates (0, 0).
- sendKeys(Key.PAGE_DOWN) performs a mouse wheel scrolling action. You can replace Key.PAGE_DOWN with other keys or combinations according to your needs.
- sendKeys() is also used to input text into an input field. The inputField variable is a reference to the input field on the webpage, and sendKeys() is called to type text into it.
Make sure to replace the URL in driver.get('https://example.com') with the URL of the webpage you are working on, and adjust the CSS selector for the input field according to your webpage's structure.
Additionally, you may need to install the selenium-webdriver package if you haven't already:
npm install selenium-webdriver
If we are talking about disabling Telegram for Android, you need to go to "Data and Memory" and under "Proxy" find "Proxy settings". Here, under "Connections", you should disable the use of a proxy server. If we are talking about disabling Telegram for iOS, then in the "Data and memory" item, you should select "Proxy", then go to the "Use proxy" column, and then move the slider to the "Off" position.
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