Current Proxy

PapaProxy - premium datacenter proxies with the fastest speed. Fully unlimited traffic. Big Papa packages from 100 to 15,000 IP
  • Some of the lowest prices on the market, no hidden fees;
  • Guaranteed refund within 24 hours after payment.
  • All IPv4 proxies with HTTPS and SOCKS5 support;
  • Upgrade IP in a package without extra charges;
  • Fully unlimited traffic included in the price;
  • No KYC for all customers at any stage;
  • Several subnets in each package;
  • Impressive connection speed;
  • And many other benefits :)
Select your tariff
Price for 1 IP-address: 0$
We have over 100,000 addresses on the IPv4 network. All packets need to be bound to the IP address of the equipment you are going to work with. Proxy servers can be used with or without login/password authentication. Just elite and highly private proxies.
Types of proxies

Types of proxies

Datacenter proxies

Starting from $19 / month
Select tariff
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • SOCKS5 Supported
  • Over 100,000 IPv4 proxies
  • Packages from 100 proxies
  • Good discount for wholesale
Learn More

Private proxies

Starting from $2,5 / month
Select tariff
  • Unlimited Traffic
  • SOCKS5 Supported
  • Proxies just for you
  • Speed up to 200 Mbps
  • For sale from 1 pc.
Learn More

Rotating proxies

Starting from $49 / month
Select tariff
  • Each request is a new IP
  • SOCKS5 Supported
  • Automatic rotation
  • Ideal for API work
  • All proxies available now
Learn More

UDP proxies

Starting from $19 / month
Select tariff
  • Unlimited traffic
  • SOCKS5 supported
  • PremiumFraud Shield
  • For games and broadcasts
  • Speed up to 200 Mbps
Learn More

Try our proxies for free

Register an account and get a proxy for the test. You do not need to fill payment data. Support most of popular tasks: search engines, marketplaces, bulletin boards, online services, etc. tasks
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Available regions

Available regions

PapaProxy's server proxies provide fast and stable connections, making them ideal for business applications that require reliability and high performance. They offer lower latency, higher throughput, and better anonymity than public proxies. Server proxies also allow you to control and manage traffic, providing a more secure and private interaction with the Internet.PapaProxy's server proxies provide high-speed and stable connections, making them ideal for business tasks that require reliability and high performance. They offer lower latency, higher throughput, and better anonymity than public proxies. Server proxies also allow you to control and manage traffic, providing a more secure and private interaction with the Internet.

  • IP updates in the package at no extra charge;

  • Unlimited traffic included in the price;

  • Automatic delivery of addresses after payment;

  • All proxies are IPv4 with HTTPS and SOCKS5 support;

  • Impressive connection speed;

  • Some of the cheapest cost on the market, with no hidden fees;

  • If the IP addresses don't suit you - money back within 24 hours;

  • And many more perks :)

You can buy proxies at cheap pricing and pay by any comfortable method:

  • VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay

  • Tether (TRC20, ERC20)

  • Bitcoin

  • Ethereum

  • AliPay

  • WebMoney WMZ

  • Perfect Money

You can use both HTTPS and SOCKS5 protocols at the same time. Proxies with and without authorization are available in the personal cabinet.


Port 8080 for HTTP and HTTPS proxies with authorization.

Port 1080 for SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5 proxies with authorization.

Port 8085 for HTTP and HTTPS proxies without authorization.

Port 1085 for SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy without authorization.


We also have a proxy list builder available - you can upload data in any convenient format. For professional users there is an extended API for your tasks.

Free proxy list

Free proxy list

Note - these are not our test proxies. Publicly available free lists, collected from open sources, to test your software. You can request a test of our proxies here
IP Country PORT ADDED us 4145 31 minutes ago us 4145 31 minutes ago mx 80 31 minutes ago gr 80 31 minutes ago ir 3128 31 minutes ago at 80 31 minutes ago cn 9501 31 minutes ago us 4145 31 minutes ago de 4145 31 minutes ago us 4145 31 minutes ago cn 8083 31 minutes ago us 4145 31 minutes ago us 4145 31 minutes ago us 26829 31 minutes ago pl 8081 31 minutes ago cn 1080 31 minutes ago ae 80 31 minutes ago 80 31 minutes ago us 27071 31 minutes ago us 4145 31 minutes ago


I used their residential rotating proxies for my social media project. Unlike other providers, I didn't face any issues like blocked IP addresses here. All IP addresses are new to the site, which helped my project significantly. I recommend it if you are looking for reliable proxy providers.
Rachelle Gauvin

I have been familiar with this service for a long time, and it remains my constant choice for purchasing anonymous proxies. The quality of services is at a high level, and the prices remain affordable for every user. Proxies are excellent for working with blocked sites and for safe use of English-language networks.

I was initially interested in the prices on the website but had some distrust. After the test period I was assured that everything is fast and without problems. After 3 months of my experience with the service the prices have not changed. This is very nice.
Langley Verreau

Not the most affordable server proxies, it is likely one of the most expensive. However, when you consider the high level of availability, fast support response and prompt problem solving to ensure stable performance, it is definitely the best choice. There are a few nuances, such as the inability to test multiple proxies before purchasing and the lack of information about the number of networks. All decisions have to be made based on your own experience and testing.
Perry Robson

Compared to competitors, here are the lowest prices on the market. It's nice that you can test proxies without damaging your wallet.

Experience of using more than a year, and this is the best service. Technical support promptly solves all questions and clarifies all misunderstandings. The speed of proxies is great, which is very convenient for earning money.

I took static proxies here more than a year ago, before all the events started, and the quality remains at a high level. I'm satisfied, I'm building up and expanding my usage. Technical support deserves a special mention - prompt answers even at night and help in solving various problems.
Alex Wallace

Fast integration with API

Fast integration with API

Simple tool for complete proxy management - purchase, renewal, IP list update, binding change, upload lists. With easy integration into all popular programming languages, PapaProxy API is a great choice for developers looking to optimize their systems.

Quick and easy integration.
Full control and management of proxies via API.
Extensive documentation for a quick start.
Compatible with any programming language that supports HTTP requests.

Ready to improve your product? Explore our API and start integrating today!


And 500+ more programming tools and languages



What is the best way to parsing huge XML files? Close

Parsing huge XML files can be challenging due to their size. Here are some tips for efficient XML parsing:

  1. Use Streaming Parsers:

    • Streaming parsers, like SAX (Simple API for XML) or StAX (Streaming API for XML), process XML data sequentially. They don't load the entire XML document into memory, making them memory-efficient for large files.
  2. XPath for Selective Parsing:

    • XPath is a query language for XML that allows you to navigate through elements and attributes. Use XPath to selectively parse only the parts of the XML document that you need, rather than parsing the entire file.
  3. Incremental Parsing:

    • Break the XML document into smaller chunks and parse them incrementally. This can be useful when dealing with extremely large files. Process one chunk at a time instead of loading the entire file into memory.
  4. Memory Management:

    • If using a DOM (Document Object Model) parser, be mindful of memory usage. Large XML files can consume a significant amount of memory when loaded into a DOM. Consider using a streaming approach instead.
  5. Parallel Processing:

    • If the XML document is partitioned into multiple sections, you can leverage parallel processing to parse different sections concurrently. Be cautious with synchronization to avoid conflicts.
  6. Compression:

    • If the XML files are too large, consider compressing them before parsing. This can reduce the file size and speed up the parsing process. Remember to decompress the file before parsing.
  7. Optimize Code and Libraries:

    • Ensure that you are using an efficient XML parsing library. Some libraries are better optimized for large files. Additionally, optimize your code for performance by minimizing unnecessary operations.
  8. Use Memory-Mapped Files:

    • Memory-mapped files allow parts of a file to be mapped directly into memory. This can be beneficial for random access to different parts of a large XML file.
  9. Consider External Tools:

    • In some cases, using external tools specifically designed for processing large XML files might be a good option. These tools are often optimized for performance and memory usage.

Remember that the optimal approach may vary depending on the specific requirements of your application and the characteristics of the XML files you are dealing with.

Building a chain of proxies in Selenium Close

Building a chain of proxies in Selenium involves configuring a WebDriver with a Proxy object that represents a chain of proxies. Here's an example using Python with Selenium and the Chrome WebDriver:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import Proxy, ProxyType

# Create a Proxy object for the first proxy in the chain
proxy1 = Proxy()
proxy1.http_proxy = ""
proxy1.ssl_proxy = ""
proxy1.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL

# Create a Proxy object for the second proxy in the chain
proxy2 = Proxy()
proxy2.http_proxy = ""
proxy2.ssl_proxy = ""
proxy2.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL

# Create a Proxy object for the final proxy in the chain
proxy3 = Proxy()
proxy3.http_proxy = ""
proxy3.ssl_proxy = ""
proxy3.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL

# Create a chain of proxies
proxies_chain = f"{proxy1.proxy, proxy2.proxy, proxy3.proxy}"

# Set up ChromeOptions with the proxy chain
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

# Create the WebDriver with ChromeOptions
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)

# Now you can use the driver with the proxy chain for your automation tasks

# Close the browser window when done

In this example:

Three Proxy objects (proxy1, proxy2, and proxy3) are created, each representing a different proxy in the chain. You need to replace the placeholder URLs (, etc.) with the actual proxy server URLs.

The ProxyType.MANUAL option is used to indicate that the proxy settings are configured manually.

The proxies_chain variable is a comma-separated string representing the chain of proxies.

The --proxy-server option is added to ChromeOptions to specify the proxy chain.

A Chrome WebDriver instance is created with the configured ChromeOptions.

UDP request to STUN server (C++ example) Close

To send a UDP request to a STUN server in C++, you can use the following example code. This example uses the boost::asio library for handling asynchronous I/O operations and boost::beast for handling UDP communication. Make sure you have the Boost library installed on your system before running this code.


namespace http = boost::beast::http;

using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using udp = boost::asio::ip::udp;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  if (argc != 3) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: stun_udp_request  " << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  boost::asio::io_context ioc;
  udp::resolver resolver(ioc);
  udp::resolver::results_type results = resolver.resolve(argv[1], argv[2]);

  if (results.empty()) {
    std::cerr << "Cannot resolve: " << argv[1] << ":" << argv[2] << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  udp::socket udp_socket(ioc);

  // Prepare the STUN Binding Request
  std::string stun_request =
      "USER-AGENT: STUN-UDP-Example\r\n"

  // Send the STUN Binding Request
  boost::system::error_code ignored_error;
  udp_socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(stun_request), results.begin()->endpoint(), 0, ignored_error);

  // Receive the STUN Binding Response
  boost::beast::flat_buffer buffer;
  http::response response;
  udp_socket.receive_message(buffer, response);

  // Print the STUN Binding Response
  std::cout << "STUN Binding Response:\n";
  std::cout << response.what() << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

To compile the example, you can use the following command:

g++ -std=c++17 -o stun_udp_request stun_udp_request.cpp -lboost_system -lboost_as
How to realize receiving and transmitting UDP packets in different threads for parallel work? Close

To realize receiving and transmitting UDP packets in different threads for parallel work in Java, you can use the DatagramSocket class along with the Thread class to create separate threads for receiving and transmitting. Here's an example of a simple UDP server that handles receiving and transmitting in different threads:


public class ParallelUDPServer {
    private static final int PORT = 12345;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // Create a DatagramSocket for receiving UDP packets
        DatagramSocket receiveSocket = new DatagramSocket(PORT);

        // Create a thread for receiving UDP packets
        Thread receiveThread = new Thread(() -> {
            byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[1024];
            while (true) {
                DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveBuffer, receiveBuffer.length);
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

        // Create a thread for transmitting UDP packets
        Thread transmitThread = new Thread(() -> {
            while (true) {
                // Simulate sending UDP packets to a client
                sendUDPPacket("Hello from the server!", "", 6789);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        // Start the threads

    private static void processReceivePacket(DatagramPacket packet) {
        byte[] data = packet.getData();
        int length = packet.getLength();
        InetAddress address = packet.getAddress();
        int port = packet.getPort();

        System.out.println("Received packet:");
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            System.out.print(data[i] + " ");
        System.out.println("From: " + address + ":" + port);

    private static void sendUDPPacket(String message, String host, int port) throws IOException {
        byte[] sendData = message.getBytes();
        DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(sendData, sendData.length, InetAddress.getByName(host), port);
        DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();

In this example, the ParallelUDPServer class creates two threads: one for receiving UDP packets (receiveThread) and another for transmitting UDP packets (transmitThread).

What does it mean to connect through a proxy server? Close

Connecting through a proxy server means routing your internet traffic and requests through an intermediary server, rather than directly to the destination server. The proxy server processes the client's requests and sends them to the destination server on their behalf. When the destination server responds, the proxy server receives the response and forwards it back to the client.

The main reasons for connecting through a proxy server include:

1. Anonymity and privacy: By routing requests through a proxy server, the client's IP address and location are hidden from the destination server, as the proxy server's IP address is displayed instead. This can help protect the client's identity and privacy.

2. Access control and content filtering: Proxy servers can be configured to enforce access policies, restrict access to certain websites, or filter content based on criteria such as keywords or categories. This can help organizations maintain a safe and secure browsing environment for their users.

3. Performance optimization: Proxy servers can cache frequently accessed content, compress data, and implement other optimization techniques to improve performance and reduce the load on destination servers.

4. Bypassing restrictions: In some cases, connecting through a proxy server can help bypass internet restrictions or access content that is otherwise blocked due to geographical or organizational limitations.

Our statistics

>12 000

packages were sold in a few years

8 000 Tb

traffic spended by our clients per month.

6 out of 10

Number of clients that increase their tariff after the first month of usage

HTTP / HTTPS / Socks 4 / Socks 5

All popular proxy protocols that work with absolutely any software and device are available
With us you will receive

With us you will receive

  • Many payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay, WMZ, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDT TRC20, AliPay, etc;
  • No-questions-asked refunds within the first 24 hours of payment;
  • Personalized prices via customer support;
  • High proxy speed and no traffic restrictions;
  • Complete privacy on SOCKS protocols;
  • Automatic payment, issuance and renewal of proxies;
  • Only live support, no chatbots.
  • Personal manager for purchases of $500 or more.

    What else…

  • Discounts for regular customers;
  • Discounts for large proxy volume;
  • Package of documents for legal entities;
  • Stability, speed, convenience;
  • Binding a docker proxy current only to your IP address;
  • Comfortable control panel and downloading of proxy lists.
  • Advanced API.